




1. 中医理疗:养生馆聘请了多名经验丰富的中医师,为顾客提供中医按摩、拔罐、刮痧、艾灸等传统中医理疗服务。这些项目有助于缓解疲劳、改善睡眠、调节身体机能,是养生保健的绝佳选择。

2. 足疗按摩:养生馆设有专门的足疗按摩区,由专业技师为顾客提供足底按摩、足部刮痧等服务。足疗按摩能够促进血液循环,缓解疲劳,对缓解现代人的“亚健康”状态具有显著效果。

3. 香薰疗法:养生馆设有香薰区,采用天然植物精油,通过香薰机将香气弥漫整个空间。香薰疗法有助于舒缓压力、改善情绪,使人心旷神怡。

4. 瑜伽课程:养生馆定期举办瑜伽课程,由专业瑜伽教练带领学员进行身心放松、塑形健身。瑜伽课程有助于提高身体柔韧性、增强体质,同时还能培养良好的心态。

5. 饮食调理:养生馆设有营养师,为顾客提供个性化的饮食调理方案。通过合理搭配膳食,帮助顾客改善体质、预防疾病。










1. 美观性:桑拿板具有天然木纹,色彩丰富,纹理自然,装饰性强,能够提升家居空间的档次。

2. 耐用性:桑拿板具有较好的耐腐蚀性、耐高温性和耐水性,不易变形、开裂,使用寿命长。

3. 环保性:桑拿板选用优质木材加工而成,无甲醛释放,环保健康。

4. 易于安装:桑拿板安装简便,可适用于多种空间,如浴室、桑拿房、休闲区等。


1. 市场规模:重庆桑拿板批发市场规模较大,产品种类丰富,涵盖了各种规格、风格和价格的桑拿板。

2. 产品质量:重庆桑拿板批发市场产品经过严格筛选,质量有保障,消费者可放心购买。

3. 售后服务:重庆桑拿板批发市场商家提供完善的售后服务,包括送货、安装、维修等,让消费者无后顾之忧。


1. 品牌信誉:选择知名度高、口碑好的品牌,确保产品质量和售后服务。

2. 产品种类:了解供应商的产品种类,看是否满足您的需求。

3. 价格优势:比较不同供应商的价格,选择性价比高的产品。

4. 售后服务:了解供应商的售后服务政策,确保在购买过程中遇到问题能够得到及时解决。


1. 产地优势:重庆地处我国西南地区,拥有丰富的木材资源,桑拿板生产成本较低。

2. 物流优势:重庆地处长江、嘉陵江交汇处,交通便利,物流成本低。

3. 市场优势:重庆桑拿板批发市场活跃,供求信息畅通,有利于商家拓展市场。

4. 政策优势:重庆市政府对木材产业给予大力支持,桑拿板生产企业和批发市场得到快速发展。



























1. 干蒸房



2. 湿蒸房












1. 重庆桑拿网
2. 重庆耍耍网
3. 大众点评
4. 美团
5. 百度地图


1. 重庆桑拿网

2. 重庆耍耍网

3. 大众点评

4. 美团

5. 百度地图


1. 信誉度:选择信誉度高的桑拿信息平台,可以确保获取的信息准确可靠。

2. 用户评价:关注用户对桑拿场所的评价,了解其服务质量、环境、设施等方面的情况。

3. 优惠活动:关注桑拿信息平台的优惠活动,以便在享受桑拿服务的同时,还能节省开支。

4. 预订方式:选择提供在线预订服务的桑拿信息平台,方便快捷。








1. 温度高:重庆桑拿的温度通常在40℃-60℃之间,高温有助于促进血液循环,加速新陈代谢,从而达到消暑解压的效果。

2. 湿度高:湿热的蒸汽有助于汗液的排出,使人体内的毒素和废物得以清除。

3. 风速小:桑拿房内风速较小,有助于保持湿热的氛围,使人体在舒适的环境中排汗。




1. 温度适中:汗蒸房内的温度通常在35℃-45℃之间,比桑拿房低,适合各个年龄段的人群。

2. 红外线加热:远红外线加热有助于促进血液循环,加速新陈代谢,提高免疫力。

3. 时尚潮流:汗蒸已成为一种时尚的养生方式,受到了年轻人的喜爱。


1. 温度:桑拿的温度通常在40℃-60℃之间,汗蒸的温度在35℃-45℃之间。

2. 湿度:桑拿的湿度较高,汗蒸的湿度适中。

3. 时间:桑拿时间较短,一般为10-20分钟;汗蒸时间较长,一般为30-60分钟。

4. 作用:桑拿有助于排汗、消暑、解压;汗蒸有助于养生、保健、美容。


1. 注意室内通风:在桑拿和汗蒸过程中,要注意室内通风,避免空气污染。

2. 控制时间:根据自己的身体状况,合理控制桑拿和汗蒸的时间,避免过度出汗。

3. 饮食调养:桑拿和汗蒸后,要适量补充水分和营养,保持身体水分平衡。

4. 注意保暖:桑拿和汗蒸后,要及时保暖,避免感冒。







1. 长度:重庆樟子松桑拿板的长度一般在1.2米至2.4米之间,具体长度可根据实际需求进行定制。

2. 宽度:桑拿板的宽度一般在10厘米至20厘米之间,常见的宽度有10厘米、12厘米、15厘米、18厘米等。

3. 厚度:重庆樟子松桑拿板的厚度一般在1.2厘米至2.5厘米之间,厚度越厚,使用寿命越长,保温性能越好。

4. 纵横比:为了确保桑拿板在安装过程中不易变形,其纵横比应控制在1:1.5至1:2之间。

5. 端头处理:重庆樟子松桑拿板的端头处理有平头、斜头、圆头等多种形式,消费者可根据个人喜好和实际需求进行选择。


1. 保障桑拿房的安全性:尺寸合适的桑拿板能够更好地贴合桑拿房空间,减少安全隐患。

2. 提高桑拿房的美观度:尺寸统一的桑拿板可以确保整体风格的协调,提升桑拿房的美观度。

3. 延长桑拿板使用寿命:符合尺寸标准的桑拿板在安装和使用过程中更加稳定,能够有效延长使用寿命。

4. 降低安装成本:尺寸统一的桑拿板在安装过程中可以减少误差,降低安装成本。


1. 选择正规厂家:购买重庆樟子松桑拿板时,应选择正规厂家生产的产品,确保质量。

2. 检查尺寸:在选购时,仔细检查桑拿板的尺寸是否符合标准,避免因尺寸不符导致安装困难。

3. 注意木材纹理:樟子松木材纹理美观,选购时应注意木材纹理的均匀性和美观度。

4. 质量认证:选择具有质量认证的桑拿板,确保产品的安全性和可靠性。


Chen Xiaotian quickly declined "I can’t drink"

"If you can’t drink, you have to drink," Yuan Keliang said. "Come here to drink, and everyone will drink." Everyone took a bottle of wine in his hand and said, "Whoever doesn’t drink will undress."
"Yi Yi Yi" a beautiful woman suddenly said, "A moment ago, she was said to be a good man, and now she wants others to undress and can’t stand exaggeration."
"Hey, hey, joke" Yuan Keliang laughed. "You have to drink anyway, otherwise it’s meaningless to come out."
Su Fei frowned and said, "Yuan Shaoshao, didn’t you say that Director Liu is filming a drama called Ten Dragons and Nine Jade Girls?"
Yuan Keliang said seriously, "Yes, yes, Lao Liu also asked me to find him a heroine. I think all four of you are good, so I asked you to come out. Tell you what, whoever drinks the most with Xiao Tian brothers tonight will be the heroine."
"Wow!" Four beauties cheered together. Even Su Fei was unwilling to give a toast to Chen Xiaotian. Chen Xiaotian was determined not to be late. One person held Chen Xiaotian’s plump chest tightly against Chen Xiaotian’s head from behind, and another person poured the bottle into Chen Xiaotian’s mouth. Four beauties were so happy that they laughed. The driver’s flat-headed bodyguard didn’t even look at each other.
"I don’t know what the boss thinks." The flat-headed bodyguard said indignantly while urinating in the hand washing. "I actually stuffed four beautiful women to Dignā ga Xiao."
The driver also said very unhappily, "Yes, alas, Dignā ga Xiao is now the boss’s toast."
Yuan Keliang came in and shouted angrily, "What are you two talking about? I’ll cut off your tongue again."
The driver’s flat-headed bodyguard suddenly became silent.
Yuan Keliang said to the flat-headed bodyguard while peeing, "You go to a room and install a monitor. You’re always going to take porn tonight."
Curious, the flat-headed bodyguard asked, "Who are you filming for? Who is the heroine? Do you want me to be the hero?"
"Roll" Yuan Keliang kicked the flat-headed bodyguard hard and spilled urine on his shoes. The flat-headed bodyguard scolded, "Don’t talk so much when I tell you to prepare."
Chapter 95 Live broadcast
Section 96 Chapter 95 Live broadcast
Unconsciously, Chen Xiaotian fell down and felt that the whole world suddenly had a sour throat and a drink jetted out of his mouth. Yuan Keliang earnestly asked "Are you all right in the morning?" Chen Xiaotian reached out and posed "I can’t do anything." Yuan Keliang hey hey smiled "Why don’t you help you go back to your room to rest?" Yuan Keliang, a Chen Xiao celestial dynasty, held up his thumb "OK" and asked four beautiful women who staggered toward the sofa "Which one to accompany you? Choose for yourself.
"What?" Yuan Keliang was surprised that he had misheard Chen Xiaotian and said, "It’s better to go back and take a bath temporarily."
"Ha ha" Yuan Keliang laughed. "There is a bathroom in the hotel." Yuan Keliang played Su Fei and asked "How is this with you?"
"Okay, okay," Chen Xiaotian nodded and waved to the driver and said, "Brother, give me a hand and I can’t walk steadily."
Reluctantly, the driver came over and Chen Xiaotian helped him on the shoulder and said, "Thank you very much. You are really a good man." The driver listened to the smile apologetically, "right?" Yuan Keliang helped Su Fei up, dragged her out and winked at the driver. The driver looked at the sofa and three beautiful women asked Yuan Keliang, "How about letting one accompany me tonight?" Yuan Keliang waved impatiently "Whatever you say."
The driver was overjoyed. He took off Chen Xiaotian and walked out, hoping to come back soon to get beautiful women.
See the flat-headed bodyguard waiting outside for Yuan Keliang to ask "Is it done?" The flat-headed bodyguard nodded and said, "Take us quickly."
The flat-headed bodyguard was busy walking towards the reservation. The driver thought the flat-headed bodyguard was too busy and urged "Hurry". The flat-headed bodyguard glanced at the driver and said grumpily, "What’s the hurry? I want to watch porn online." The driver said, "I’m not looking at porn, I’m looking for a beautiful woman."
Really, the flat-headed bodyguard was overjoyed and turned to Yuan Keliang and said, "I want one if I have less." Yuan Keliang said impatiently, "You pick three." The flat-headed bodyguard driver looked at each other and was overjoyed.
When I came to the hotel, the driver pushed Chen Xiaotian to the bed and couldn’t wait to go out. Yuan Keliang also put Su Fei on the bed and glared at the driver. "What’s the hurry? Those three beauties won’t run away."
The driver looked at Chen Xiaotian with great resentment. Yuan Keliang asked the flat-headed bodyguard how about the monitor. The flat-headed bodyguard pointed to a camera on the wall and asked Yuan Keliang, "Can I see it next door?" The flat-headed bodyguard said, "Can it be like the next time?" Yuan Keliang said, "Okay, now you go and remember not to go too far." The flat-headed bodyguard driver ran to the door with great joy.
Yuan Keliang looked at Chen Xiaotian and Su Fei smiled coldly. He took out a pack of white powder from his bag and poured it into a cup. He picked it up and shook it with a grimace of a grin. He came to the bed to help Chen Xiaotian and said softly, "Come and have a glass of water if you drink too much."
Chen Xiao was thirsty, took the water handed by Yuan Keliang and gulped it down without hesitation, then handed the cup to Yuan Keliang, said thank you and fell asleep.
Yuan Keliang hazily smiled two times "Chen Xiaotian this time I can’t believe it, but you can’t die." Said Su Fei, who looked at the eyes and turned and walked towards the door tightly.
When Yuan Keliang came to the next room, he couldn’t wait to hit the monitor and saw that the picture was lying on the bed. Two people, Chen Xiaotian and Su Fei Yuan Keliang, saw that Chen Xiaotian had nothing to do and felt stinky, so he decided to take a shower first and then took off his coat and walked towards the bathroom.
Undress in cold water, was his fair skin, and looked at that drooping head like a woman. Yuan Keliang, his little brother, was miserable and miserable. He has never been hard since he was kicked by Chen Xiaotian here.
"Chen Xiaotian and I are at enmity with you" cried Yuan Keliang and complete.
Yuan Keliang came to the screen naked after taking a shower and thought to himself that someone once said that he would get up from where he fell, and whoever kicked down his little brother would pick him up. Since my little brother was badly kicked by Chen Xiaotian, now it’s up to him to get a woman and see if he can stand up again and regain his glory.
Only to find that Yuan Keliang just stared at the screen and saw the bed alone.
Where’s Yuan Keliang? I just didn’t see anyone. Did Yuan Keliang leave? He took out a key and came to Chen Xiaotian’s room next door. As soon as he walked in, he suddenly heard a woman groan. Yuan Keliang was surprised. He crept into the door and came to the bed. He was surprised to find that Chen Xiaotian and Su Fei were doing the most original and exciting exercise in bed.
It turned out that Chen Xiaotian woke up in Yuan Keliang’s bag of white powder to stimulate a tingle. He felt that his body was hot as hell, and his hip was swollen as hell, and his blood vessels seemed to explode. He wanted to find a quiet little hole to vent his hand and touch a mass of meat, and he was dreaming softly. He pinched his hand as if it were a woman. When he got up, he saw Su Fei lying next to him, his face flushed and his eyes closed, his mouth slightly puffed out, and he was overjoyed. Now he was in a state of confusion, and he couldn’t wait to take off his dreams directly.
Just half way off, Su Fei suddenly woke up in utter amazement and shouted, "What are you doing?" Then he went to pull his pants, but Chen Xiaotian was forced by medicine to make a man who had already lost his mind and took medicine. How could a woman give up when she pressed Su Fei’s foot with one hand and kicked Su Fei’s pants out? She reached into Su Feili and pounded Su Fei, who was shy and angry, and reached out to push Chen Xiaotian. Chen Xiao held Su Fei tightly and Su Fei, and they rolled under the bed in panic.
Chen Xiaotian tightly pinned Su Fei’s hand to Chen Xiaotian’s face and caught her hand in Chen Xiao. Su Fei’s hand was very small. Chen Xiao Tiantian put Su Fei’s hands in one hand and the other hand into a small well in Su Fei. For a while, she had a sudden numbness. Su Fei felt that she was going to fly all over. Chen Xiaotian took the opportunity to take off Su Fei.
And at this time, Yuan Keliang quietly came in. Chen Xiaotian and Su Fei were immersed in the excitement, which also knew that Yuan Keliang had quietly slipped in and was still fighting at full capacity.
This thrilling, exciting, burning and fragrant scene stunned Yuan Keliang for half a day, but when God came to see Chen Xiaotian so brave and good at fighting, Yuan Keliang lamented that it was better to suddenly react to his crotch. Yuan Keliang couldn’t help but stretch out his hand to touch it, and became warped. Yuan Keliang took off his pants and stared at Chen Xiaotian with his eyes as red as a bull. Su Fei grabbed his crotch with both hands, and suddenly he felt black at the moment and fell to the bed weakly.

Ye Fan some can’t stand shouting. He looks exaggerated. Li Rexi quickly broke away from Yin Mo’s arms and sat back.

""Yin Moyan let go and recovered his composure. "Is there a play to shoot later?"
"It’s gone."
It sounds very common, but it makes Mu Wanqing frown slightly. Didn’t Li Re cherish just said that Lin Xiao had something to do with her?
Why don’t you tell Yin Mo?
Mu Wanqing’s mouth is bulging, and God knows what’s wrong with that Lin Xiao director. If he wants to do something bad to Li Re, wouldn’t that be bad?
Li Yaobin’s story was remembered by her, and the scene at that time was unforgettable for a generation.
I will never forget it for a generation.
Mu Wan Qing thoughtfully stirred coffee, and suddenly Ye Fan, who was still eating, hooked his finger and then dragged him out of the room.
"What happened to Wan Qing?"
Ye Fan was a little surprised and asked Mu Wanqing to blink carefully. "Do you still remember Li Yaobin?"
Ye Fan nodded.
Mu Wanqing touched the bar. "Tell me, were you very anxious when Yin Mo came? I was just thinking that if something happened, I would be worried to death."
"What are you trying to say?" Ye Fan felt a little weird. Mu Wan Qing took a sip of her lips. "You said that Li Re was almost bullied by Li Yaobin. Did you forget that for a generation?"
"You mean" Ye Fan opened his eyes wide and then shook his head with a black face "absolutely not"
How can you experiment with Li Re’s safety? What if something really happened to Li Re’s safety and Yin Mo didn’t remember it?
"Come on, come on, let’s get Director Yan Chen."
Mu Wan Qing smiled obsequiously at Ye Fan.
How could she possibly make Li Rexi really have an accident? But if you don’t give it a try, who knows whether this trick will happen or not?
"To put it bluntly, you just want to make trouble all day."
Ye Fan knows Mu Wanqing’s attributes too well. Mu Wanqing has always been a darling and hasn’t done anything. It’s strange not to suffocate her.
At ordinary times, Mu Wanqing and Li Re cherish these two Xiao Ni’s going out to make trouble together. Now Li Re cherish being busy filming, naturally, two people will not go out so long.
"Ye Fan, I’m telling you the truth. What is the possibility that you think of Yin Mo?"
Mu Wan Qing leaned against Ye Fan’s chest and asked curiously.
In fact, she is not without thinking about these problems for Li Re. If Yin Mo really can’t remember them, will Li Re cherish a man who doesn’t love himself for a generation?
Obviously, the answer is impossible
Li Re cherish absolutely can’t endure like this.
Mu Wanqing, her good friend, feels very nai.
Seems to be destiny takes a hand’s, Li Re cherish when I didn’t think of it, I had already fallen in love with Yin Mo for half. Now she remembers it, she has definitely fallen in love with it.
In this case, Li Re cherished that if she cooperated with their plan to pretend to be killed and Yin Mo didn’t come to the rescue, then the result would not be guessed, but she knew how ugly her friend’s face would be.
"If you cherish me, I am back."
As soon as Mu Wan Qing returned to the private room, a bear hugged Yin Mo, and some Nai pulled the lip angle. I don’t know what Mu Wan Qing hugged Li Re. This move seems so smooth.
It seems as if they have been good since a long time ago.
"Recently, another batch of overseas goods have to go through Yin’s chaebol, which is said to be the sea route that French perfume can take because of the plane law consignment."
Ye Fan cut a mouthful of steak light way
"For this kind of thing, Yin chaebol always refuses to help transport. You suddenly ask what this is for." Yin Mo glanced at Ye Fan’s tone and was very indifferent.
"My father knew that Yin’s chaebol wouldn’t take over, and he had already blocked the cruise ship to intercept the overseas goods before they appealed to Yin’s chaebol for help."
"This kind of thing you and I really appropriate?" Yin ink ponder narrowed his eyes.
"I saw my father go to the Yin chaebol that day," Ye Fan said faintly. "He went to see you. He has always been greedy."
"You heard" Yin ink eyebrow if not all heard Ye Fan how can you know this?
"If you don’t listen, you know what he wants to do." Ye Fan frowned. Ye Bokang is his biological father. It’s easy to know his purpose.
"You’re not as stupid as your father said."
Yin Mo took a sip of ice water and Ye Fan frowned. "You really don’t care about overseas goods when I say it."
"What can make my heart?" Yin Mo looked at him. "Who is the owner of those goods?"
"The surname Camille is a noble family in France, and it is quite important in France, but there are also several branches in our city A where it buys and sells perfume all the year round."
"Camille" Yin Mo frowned slightly. The name Camille is rarely heard. Although they are very popular in the cosmetics industry in A city, the distance between France and A city is too far, so he usually doesn’t pay much attention to it.
"hinder" yin mo looked at Ye Fan, of course, he knew what his best friend was worried about.
Ye Bokang’s greed is notorious. I’m afraid Ye Fan was afraid that his father had second thoughts before he made such a remark, which should not have been his speech.
"It’s good that you know." Ye Fan’s drooping eyes suddenly glanced at Li Re’s low lip. "By the way, since Yin Jun is already in Yin’s chaebol hospital, I can go and see him now."
"at will"
Yin Mo smiled again with a meaningful smile. "Maybe he doesn’t want one of you to see him, but now people don’t have to think too much in the coma stage."
Li Re precious little look at Ye Fan eyes slightly blooming with a chill.
She didn’t understand why Ye Fan would take the initiative to say that she wanted to see Yin Jun.
Seems to be aware of Li Re cherish puzzled and hostile eyes Ye Fan slightly bent over nai mouth "if you don’t talk first, don’t refute, I’ll explain to you later, ok?"
Mu wan Qing is unwilling with chopsticks on her face
Yin Jun, that man is so hateful.
Ye Fan was in a hurry to send Yin Mo to the hospital. Later, Yin Mo lost her memory in Li Re. Of course, these two people didn’t know what Li Re was like at that time.
She has lived for most of her life and has never seen anyone more cruel than Yin Jun.
He tied Li Re-xi into a puppy, dragging his terrible eyes to see Mu Wan-qing. At that time, he felt a twinge of panic.
Fortunately, at that time, Yin Jun’s power had been disintegrated, but unfortunately, there were not so many bodyguards behind her who couldn’t catch Yin Jun and he fell off the cliff.
This degree is really cheap for him.
"I have to leave in advance later."
Li Re suddenly got up and threw this sentence and turned around. Yin Mo leng leng Ma Kou "You wait a minute and I will go back with you."

Meng Cai glanced at her and raised his eyebrows and smiled. "This is a big shot. The Xuan Yi Gong is the Grand Duke of Xu Shangjia and wears white clothes, but our restaurant owner!"

Meng Xiaoran zheng big eyes "is the owner? I didn’t expect the owner to be so young? " This is also the first time that Meng Xiaoran has come for half a month to meet beautiful boys, who said that the Middle East did not expect to be so young and handsome!
This day is doomed to be an eventful one. Meng Xiaoran came out of the kitchen with a dish and walked into the lobby. She heard a hubbub. She hurried over. It turned out to be a plump face with a greasy hand holding the Jinse girl.
Meng Xiaoran’s heart sank in a dark tunnel, and the Jinse was so beautiful that she was stared at for a moment. She thought of those classic bridges where some landlords robbed the bitter girl.
Reason told her not to mind her own business, but such familiarity with the scene stung her eyes a little. Once upon a time, she was often stuck in the back alley. She hurriedly gave her food to the guests and then ran back. She had made a decision to help Jinse.
Meng Xiaoran knew that this man could not easily offend, so he adjusted his mood and tried to squeeze out some smiles and walked over to the man politely and said, "The guest officer doesn’t know what you need to tell us, but let the Jinse girl go first."
The fat didn’t look at her impatiently with the wave, "which onion do you dare to take care of my business?" This chick today, I want to decide what to sell and install, but I dare to give my face a shame after touching it for a few times! "
Shame! Meng Xiaoran secretly scolded 1 in his heart, but he still patiently continued to persuade, "The guest officer, this Jinse girl is here to play music in our restaurant, not the hostess girl in the restaurant. You’d better let her go."
Fat anger loosens the golden harp, but he slaps it on the table. The table and dishes are smashed by him, and the food is scattered all over the place. Meng Xiaoran is also a heart jump. It seems that this person is a master. I don’t know how much chance I have for him.
At this moment, the fat man suddenly looked at Meng Xiaoran, but I didn’t know it. Only when I saw it did I find that this little two was actually a stunning girl, more beautiful than the girl who just sang songs. He suddenly smiled and said, "Let her go. Come and accompany me. Today I have to take someone away, either you or her!"
Meng Xiaoran’s reason was crushed by this fat shame. I felt sick in my heart. I couldn’t wait to pick those eyes. Finally, I couldn’t help laughing. "What if none of us leave?"
Fat immediately cold face eyes slightly narrowed hum a smile "today you two can’t run a big ye I want both!"
"That depends on whether you have this thing!"
Fat cold hum stretched out his hand to catch her in the past, but Meng Xiaoran’s body was very flexible and quickly dodged to one side and escaped those fat hands. He was slightly surprised but he didn’t expect that there was a practitioner and a woman in this restaurant.
This aroused his competitive heart. At this time, all the beauties and stunning things have been forgotten, and he swung his fist at Meng Xiaoran, forcing her to retreat several steps. It seems that when she meets a master, she can’t beat the "master"
Meng Xiaoran no longer thought much of quick moves and wanted to make a quick decision, but she still miscalculated. As soon as her fist was swung out, she was kicked by fat holding her leg and blocked by him, but after a few moves, she was stopped and her hands were locked behind her.
Fat, his fat hand touched Meng Xiaoran’s face and gave a * * smile. "It’s really smooth!" Meng Xiaoran frowned and quickly hid in a nausea.
Fat to see her abandon appearance is sneer at a I don’t know when Meng Xiaoran pulled out a dagger from the waist and felt a cold thing against his face. When she saw it in the corner of her eye, she was afraid.
The fat voice is a little cruel. "If you dare to fight with me again, you’re welcome. Hum, I really don’t know if you have seen this white and tender face after a few strokes?"
Meng Xiaoran was shocked. She didn’t dare to bet her face on this fat. At this moment, she regretted her recklessness. She had to find a way. Her brain was running rapidly. Suddenly her eyes lit up and she shouted to the second floor, "Somebody, there is an assassin!"
Sure enough, a few figures flew in from the building and looked at this scene in the lobby and immediately became nervous. "What person? Dare to move a knife here? "
Meng Xiaoran knew that Xu Shanger would definitely bring bodyguards when he came out. It would be said that there was an assassin and they would definitely come out. She immediately said to those people with a face of fear, "Heroes, this man is an assassin. Catch him quickly!"
Fat also know that these people must be distinguished. Listen to Meng Xiaoran and immediately rush to the knife in his hand. "What are you talking nonsense? Who is the assassin? " After that, I immediately changed my face to those people. "Big brothers, this little two is talking nonsense. What kind of assassin am I? This little two stole my purse and I taught her a lesson."
That a few people see this man doesn’t seem like an assassin looked at each other and jumped back to the second floor. They don’t want to worry about Meng Xiaoran. "Hey, don’t go. He’s an assassin …"
Fat, this is really angered. "It seems that you, a smelly girl, can’t reach the Yellow River and never die. Uncle let you often paint this face with flowers today!" Said the dagger in his hand and forced Meng Xiaoran to feel a trace of pain, despair in his heart and his eyes were not confined
The expected pain didn’t come. Meng Xiaoran immediately opened his eyes and saw that the fat man was holding hands and jumping around. The dagger also fell to the ground and there was blood. Meng Xiaoran took a closer look at the fat man’s right palm with a chopstick in it. The blood flowed from his palm.
Who saved her? Meng Xiaoran looked around and saw the man in white on the stairs! Meng Xiaoran didn’t expect that the owner saved her and nodded gratefully at him.
The man in white gave her a cold look, then looked at the fat man who had collapsed in pain and said, "Don’t dare to come to my restaurant to make trouble, consider your own business first!" Then he turned back to the second floor.
The fourth chapter to the east for help
At this time, the shopkeeper also came out to find someone to carry the injured fat out, and the blood and a mess were quickly cleaned up. Just now, the restaurant was tense and instantly restored to its original state as if nothing had happened.
Jinse also returned to the stage to continue playing and singing. The guests talked about rice again, but Meng Xiaoran’s heart could not be calm for a long time. She just stood on her own. Jinse almost had her face scratched. So many people in the restaurant were rescued by one person.
And Jinse girl never came to thank her, even without asking. When the shopkeeper had an accident, there was no figure. This will also appear, and Meng Cai, who has always been good to her, has never appeared
Meng Xiaoran’s heart suddenly became very cold and more disappointed. It seems that everywhere she went, her heart was too cold. She always couldn’t see through it and had been silly, hoping to live a happy life here.
Meng Xiaoran face as cold as frost went to the kitchen only to see Meng Cai a face of tension came along "Shinohara but are you okay? Fortunately, the shopkeeper went to the owner or you would be in danger today. "
She froze for a moment and didn’t know what to say, but her cold heart was melting bit by bit, and suddenly she touched her mouth and smiled. She was ashamed of herself just now, and it was really a mixed feeling.
At this time, the shopkeeper Chen hurried over and his face was ugly. "Xiao Ran, do you know who you provoked today?"
Meng Xiaoran shook his head and the shopkeeper sighed. "This man is a notorious bully in Yujing. His uncle is our Yujing Jinwuwei. Although he is a six-official, the county magistrate is not as good as the county magistrate …"
In fact, just now, she had some speculation that the fat man dared to make trouble in Kyoto restaurant. It must be some background. I didn’t expect it to be so. Today, she offended the man and caused him to be stabbed in the palm by the owner’s chopsticks. It certainly won’t end like this.
She knew in her heart that she had done her best in this restaurant and bowed to the shopkeeper and said, "Thank you for taking care of the shopkeeper these days. I know I can’t stay in the restaurant after this. I left today."
The shopkeeper sighed and said, "Shinohara, whether you can be white or not, it’s really not suitable for you here. It’s better to get revenge after you leave the province as soon as possible." Then he took out a purse and handed it to Meng Xiaoran. "Here are some broken silver for you to take."
She took a look at her purse and didn’t pretend to refuse that she needed the money. Finally, she bowed to the shopkeeper, and then she turned to the backyard and went back to her room. Instead of packing immediately, she sat at the table.
Now the situation is a little complicated. She remembers overhearing someone talking about the "road pass" a few days ago. She was curious and quietly asked Meng Cai about the "road pass". She was told that the road pass was a thing with a name, address and date written on it, which is equivalent to a modern ID card. She turned black when she got here!
Meng Cai also told her that where she works now, she needs to show her road permit. She is a little stupid and naturally afraid to ask the shopkeepers of Kyoto Grand Restaurant that there is no road permit.
Now she can’t go anywhere without a road permit. Where should she go if she goes out?
Meng Xiaoran couldn’t think of a way at the moment, so she got up and packed her things. She didn’t have many things, so she quickly packed a few clothes. When she left the hospital with her baggage and passed the lobby, she just met the man in white who was walking, which is the owner of the Kyoto Grand Restaurant.
Meng Xiaoran’s mind suddenly flashed a bold idea, and her eyes flashed with light. She gritted her teeth and stopped in front of the white man, who was on the last step.
The white man’s eyebrows slightly wrinkled and coldly looked at the woman in front of him. A Tsing Yi teenager behind him immediately said to Meng Xiaoran, "Girl, don’t block the road."
Meng Xiaoran looked at the white man in the eye, but he was still going to try to catch this last straw.
"The owner thanks to your rescue today!"
The man in white gave her a look. "Are you finished?" Men’s eyes are cold and their expressions are indifferent. Meng Xiaoran was shocked by her eyes. The young owner looks warm and jade, but at the moment, I’m afraid it won’t be so accommodating. Sure enough, all that glitters is not gold, but she still crustily skin of head and wants to try.
"I have something I want to talk to the owner, and I want to ask the owner to borrow a step." Go to a secret place first to continue.
The white man’s eyes flashed a glimmer of light, but it soon disappeared and returned to a dull wave. He looked at Meng Xiaoran for a while and slowly said, "Come on, then" and turned back to the floor.
Meng Xiaoran followed him to the second floor and entered the innermost window box. Qingfeng stood outside the door.
The man in white sat on the couch and looked up at Meng Xiaoran lazily. "Do you have something to say?"
Meng Xiaoran, what’s the matter to leave? It’s just an appropriate plan. She thought hard for a while and finally crustily skin of head. "I’m afraid the fat man will come to get back at the restaurant in the future."
The man in white looked at her with eyes that seemed to say, Where is it? then what
Meng Xiaoran summoned up his courage and said, "Can you ask the owner to arrange something new for me? I am really a relative in Yujing …"
She made up a sad story, which she had planned for a long time. If someone asks in the future, she will say so. I didn’t expect to send a show today.
But it seems that her story didn’t impress the man in white. He looked at her with a straight face and said, "It’s really sad to know your life, but you can’t leave anyone around you …"
Meng Xiaoran immediately nodded his head to show his loyalty. "My boss can rest assured that I can bear hardships and do anything. I want my boss to give me a chance and I will definitely work hard for my boss!"
The man in white nodded, reached out and touched himself with a thoughtful face, and then suddenly asked, "What if I made you do something very dangerous and might kill you?"
Meng Xiaoran was dumbfounded. She just wanted to find a profitable job. What joke would kill her? She can react by trying to refuse, but she still holds back a little fantasy and leads her mouth. "Hehe, how can the owner be joking?"
The man in white looked at her and smiled faintly. "No, I said it was the truth."
Chapter V Misrecognition
What does a restaurant owner have to do to worry about his life? Meng Xiaoran’s mind went back and forth, and suddenly a terrible thought flashed through him. Is it possible that he is actually the leader of a dark organization and asked her to kill people and steal goods?
Meng Xiaoran shook her head at once. No, no,no. She can’t do such a thing. Although she needs silver now, she dare not take risks. Meng Xiaoran bit her lip and said, "This … I am a female real winner."
"In that case, you can go."